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Product Details

Intellio FDR RollerPen


Intellio?s FDR is meant to inspire and empower. The adversity and strength are represented by the black barrel with lustrous rings shining to celebrate unmatched success of one Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The pen transcends material value and serves as an inspiration in our quest to mark our excellence.




Intellio pays homage to an individual who transcended conventional wisdom to write values that would form the basis of a new age of governance, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The eponymous writing instrument celebrates freedom and adversity. The adversity and strength of the paralyzed man influence the colors of the pen. Four chrome-plated rings shine and celebrate that individual?s four presidential election wins and his four freedoms which changed the course of the World War



Technical Specification

Material: Brass
Trim: Chrome
Refill: Intellio Safety Roller Refill
Length: 138 mm
Weight: 52.00 gr
Packaging: Standard
Mechanism: Twist To Open


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